I watch Pedro shows so you don’t have to: the Wonder Woman unaired pilot.

Wonder Woman (2011)

He has been in two unaired pilots. Just like with The Sixth Gun, I agree with the network’s decision to not pick up this series. This isn’t as bad as Wonder Woman 1984, but lord it ain’t good.

Plot! Wonder Woman is the CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation that sells … Wonder Woman merchandise. The proceeds fund her crime-fighting activities, so she needs to attend to her public image to make sure dolls of herself keep selling.

Watch as this iconic super hero … holds press conferences! Attends board meetings! Creates a facebook page! Oh and occasionally beats up bad guys.

Except the beating people up thing is getting her negative press, which the dude who runs her corporation (Cary Elwes) doesn’t like. And the Justice Department is concerned about how many laws she breaks in her pursuit of criminals.

The super-villian is Elizabeth Hurley playing the CEO of an evil pharmaceutical corporation. Hurley’s character might be behind the smear campaign accusing WW of beating people up after she beats people up. Worst supervillain line ever: “You are about to meet your equal, Wonder Woman — the American justice system!”

In this Battle of the CEOs, WW comes out on top, and the justice department decides to turn a blind eye to the beating people up thing.

Pedro’s role! Pedro is Ed Indelicato, WW’s liaison on the LAPD. He doesn’t have very many lines, and he has a weirdly Brooklyn-ish accent for a Los Angeles cop, but he’s adorable all clean shaven and in a suit, being grumpy with WW.

Pedro said in a recent interview that he got this part because the casting director saw him in Lights Out, and he thought this was going to be his big break, landing a recurring role in a HUGE franchise, but then the show didn’t get picked up. The hardest working actor in the biz had to wait three more years to become a big name. I wish he’d gotten his big break sooner, but I’m very glad I only had to watch one episode of this show.

Running list items!

  • You can’t see his hand tattoo. You never get a good enough look at his hand, and the video quality is not great, but you do get a good look behind his ear. The behind the ear tattoo is gone, so I assume the hand one is covered as well.
  • He does not die.
  • It passes the Bechdel test, and with a better score than most of his shows, but I was still disappointed. The main character, the supervillain, and WW’s assistant are all female, and they talk mainly to the boys. I’ll give it a B. Definitely passes, but I’m still not impressed.

Picture time!

You absolutely cannot go in to see that bad guy. You’re just going to torture him for information.

Come on, Ed. You’re totally going to let me in to see this guy.

I really shouldn’t. Ok, you get five minutes. And NO TORTURE.

Is that guy screaming? It sounds like he’s being …

… tortured. God dammit, Wonder Woman. What did I JUST say.

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